The world's first industrial mass production

Graphene in-situ polymerization nylon 6 production line


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Graphene in-situ polymerized nylon 6 fiber tag


Nylon that truly "grows" graphene


Revolutionary upgrade of traditional nylon industry

通知公告The world's first industrial mass production

通知公告Domestic only

通知公告Nylon that truly "grows" graphene

通知公告Revolutionary upgrade of traditional nylon industry

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On July 6, 2017, Mr. Yao Jianfeng, who was selected by the Young Thousand Talents Program of Nanjing Forestry University, visited our company


On July 6, 2017, our company's industry-university-research cooperative unit Nanjing Forestry University School of Chemical Engineering Young Thousand Talents Program Professor Yao Jianfeng, Professor of Science College He Ming, Associate Professor Li Bengang and Associate Professor Ma Xiaofeng visited our company.

The meeting was held in the conference room on the second floor of our company. Deputy general manager Huang Rongqing presided over it. First, general manager Jiang Yan introduced the company’s current overall development status and enterprise future planning. Teacher Yao and his team highly praised the company’s scale and management , I hope to deepen the cooperation with our company; Ma Hongming, the manager of the second R&D department, gave a report on the current project R&D and corporate standard setting. The four teachers highly affirmed the direction of the project R&D and encountered the problems encountered during the project development process. The question gives guidance, and puts forward opinions and requirements for the standardization of enterprise standards. Finally, three Nanlin university students who practiced in our company made a work report, and four teachers separately worked on the pre-stage work of each student. After making a comment, I hope they can make good use of the company's platform, seize the opportunity of corporate learning, use the theoretical knowledge learned in school in practice, and thank Changzhou Henglibao for providing students with internship opportunities in the enterprise. After the meeting, Mr. Yao and his delegation visited the company's laboratory and production workshop accompanied by the company's deputy general manager Huang Rongqing.

Changzhou Henglibao Nano New Material Technology Co., Ltd. takes technology research and development as the first productivity and focuses on the industrialization of technological achievements. It hopes to achieve complementary advantages through cooperation with universities and form a win-win situation for cooperation.


Keywords: Henglibao graphene    graphene PA6


Address: Factory Building 12A East, West Taihu Graphene Technology Industrial Park, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province

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